Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1) I have already sent countersigned application forms directly to Austro Control. Do I need to send the forms again to CATS prior to making my exam reservation? 

Yes. You must send a copy of the application form to CATS with your photo ID.

2) When I am reserving exams how do I plan out my schedule across the day?

It is up to you. You pick and choose your exams slots with regard to the exam durations which are automatically populated as you choose them on the booking site.

3) Have you got exams available on days you have not advertised?

No. Check the Austro Control website for other dates at other sites that may suit you.

4) Can I take some exams at CATS Luton and some elsewhere in the same 10 days exam sitting?

Yes. Contact the other exam provider and arrange the dates directly with them.

5) Does Austro Control have the same rules for exam sittings and validity period to take exams as other EU states and the UK?

Yes, it is 18 months.

6) When will I get my results?

On the same day.

7) Can i cancel my exams?

Yes, up to 10 working days before the Monday of the exam week.

8) Does it cost to cancel exams?

Yes, approximately 4 EUR per exam or a credit may be held for future exams within 3 months from booking.